
The server doesn't just have an amazing community, but unique features!

Sit anywhere!

Ever wanted to sit around a campfire with your friends telling spooky stories? With this plugin, you are able to sit anywhere with the simple command, /sit, or click on stairs to automatically sit down!


More ways to express yourself? Yes please! Earn many special hats through advancements. Click here for every advancement associated with a hat!


Why isn't this in Minecraft already? Now you can type common Discord emojis in chat! Example: "Hello world! :smile:"

Armor set bonuses!

Shouldn't you get fire resistance from wearing netherite? No! But you can here.

Every set of armor has a unique set bonus that will make it hard to choose between them. Click here for a full list of hats and their corresponding announcements!

Custom name colors!

Not only can you customize your player's look, but you can also change your look in chat! Try out all the different name colors available. Just type /trigger name_color!

Special HUDs!

A common feature seen in SMP servers. Using /trigger ch_toggle, you are quickly able to toggle the visibility of your coordinates over your hotbar. The time is always displayed at the top of your screen, which you can disable with /trigger time_visible!

Smaller Features

Ambient sounds

Minecraft can be a quiet game. This datapack introduces ambient sounds to the game, such as wind and birds chirping!

Don't like the noise? Go into Options > Music & Sounds, and adjust the Ambient/Environment slider!

Chat rooms

Ever felt like the chat is too active? Doing a secret project with your friends? Simply type /room and specify a room name! Exit your room using the same command.

Player heads

Bloodthirsty, murderous, and a never-ending desire for more decorations! Kill your friends (with consent) to gather their heads to wear or prop up around your base.

Join now!

IP: play.LimboSMP.net

Join the Discord server to get started!